Now there isn't much difference between the green cucs you tend to find in stores and the ripe ones except their peel colour and potentially a bit of softening. There are three types of cucumber: picking, slicing and burpless (English). My ripe crop is of the slicing cuc variety ripened to a colour that just screams summer.
Thanks to my pickling guru, Leonard Levinson (I have spoken before about his fantastic book, The Complete Book of Pickles and Relishes) I found a lovely recipe called "Sun Glow Spears" to take up what would otherwise be a lost crop.
While this is a recipe that takes place over two days, it definitely ISN'T two days work so don't let that keep you from trying this!
12 large ripe cucumbers 2c sugar
6 large onions 2 tbsp white mustard seed
1 cup salt (I use pickling) 2 tsps celery seed
4 quarts water 2 tsps turmeric
3 cups vingear
1 cup water
Day 2: Drain the cucumbers and onions well. Combine remaining ingredients in large pot and cook for 5 minutes. Add cucumbers and onions; heat to boiling. Place into hot, sterilized quart jars and fill with liquid. Seal.
Makes 6 quarts.
These are incredibly tasty and of such a bright yellow that they pay homage to the hot dry summers that cucumbers love so well. In the middle of a dreary winter night they are bright and pungent.
Serve cold with ANYTHING!
I am especially proud of these little babies as they also include the first crop of celery seed from my garden. I can't believe I have never grown celery before...there are SO many uses for the plant and seed....But more about that in a later blog.